I investigate language change using computational methods, from a bottom-up (agent-based modelling, neural networks, crowdsourcing) and a top-down (phylogenetic reconstruction, computational historical linguistics) perspective. I obtained my PhD from the AI lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2024, on agent-based models of language change (supervisor: Bart de Boer). I studied Artificial Intelligence at the University of Utrecht and the University of Amsterdam.
Mail: research@peterdekker.eu
Profiles: ResearchGate | Academia | Google Scholar | ORCID | Mastodon
- PhD thesis defended and available online
- Panel Agent-based Modelling in Historical Sociolinguistics within HiSoN 2023
- Blog Morphological simplification on Eos Wetenschap & Wtnschp.be
- Workshop “Language preservation and agent-based computer simulations”
- Contribution to Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper) article on evolution of myths